I love being outdoors in the elements and see walking as a kind of mediation.
Bradford based Fling are made up of five psychedelic young men; Jake, Billy, Jack, Luke and Charles. Attracting comparisons to The Beta Band, Primal Scream and The Fat White Family, the band also evoke the glam stomp of Bolan and Bowie. We chatted to them about Beck, childhood memories catching frogs and overcoming negativity.
What are you listening to, reading and watching at the moment?
I listened to Beck’s album Midnite Vultures a few days ago and really liked it, the first time heard it was when Jake played it to us whilst we were making puppets for the banjo billy video in my garden shed.
What has been your biggest life challenge so far and what did you do to overcome it?
Keeping your life full is really important in a sense of filling it with things you enjoy.
Finding and prioritising time to indulge in things you find fun, because you might find yourself looking back at your life and feeling like your life is empty. And that’s not good. Grasp every chance you have to do what you really want to do because life is very short.
For me, sometimes the biggest challenges are moving away from things that hold you back from what makes you happy.
What would constitute a ‘perfect’ day for you?
Going for a nice long walk on a sunny day with my girlfriend then maybe meeting up with close friends and having a couple of beers I find pleasure in simple things really.
For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
Probably the talents that I was born with cause if I didn’t have them, I don’t know who I’d be.
Complete this sentence: “Ace mental health for me means…”
Ace mental health for me means not getting overpowered in negative situations, being able to see negativity for what it is and not letting it manifest into something bigger in your own mind. Also accepting that there are some things you just cant change.
Do you have a daily routine of exercise or do you make it up as you go along?
I go on a lot of big hikes as often as I can, I love being outdoors in the elements and see walking as a kind of mediation as well as a means of exercise. It clears your mind its good for your body and soul.
Here at The Mind Map we remember playing football and ‘tag’ – running around the playground everyday and loving it – can you share a similar memory?
my fondest memories as a child where the many hours spent catching frogs and newts around this huge pond that was near my house, and the days I played in Thackey woods making dens with my mates
What three songs lift your spirits?
The Beatles – All you need is love
The Gnome – Pink Floyd
The Fly – Foster and Allen
What advice do you offer to friends when they are feeling overwhelmed?
Have a cup of tea and a bath