The show uncovers the different ways musicians stay mentally well.
‘We Love Life’ is a series of seven photo interviews at Constellations in Liverpool by photographer Darina Mohammed for The Mind Map.
Launching at Liverpool Sound City on 5 May and continuing through mental health awareness week until 22 May, the show uncovers the different ways musicians stay mentally well.
Photographed in Liverpool and Newcastle the exhibition features portraits of musicians; Sam Fender, TV ME, Seatbelts, Beija Flo, KingFast, Fuss and HAARM, shot on film.
The Mind Map’s editor Phil Bridges said: “The show helps deliver our wider aims to normalise mental health through journalism, arts, culture and workshops for young people. The interviews illuminate how regardless of where we are on the mental health continuum, everyone has their own ways of dealing with life’s stresses, whether that be through exercise, creativity, medication or just talking to someone.”
Also in support of Mental Health Awareness Week, Mental Health First Aid England have released a stress toolkit, which you can visit here.