“David Bowie inspires me. He had no trouble being who he was.”
Harrison Buchan is 22 and from Nottingham. We met him in Manchester to discuss Pink Floyd, music festivals and David Bowie.
What are your plans for today?
I’m just about to finish work and then go to bed cos I’m quiet tired. Yesterday I took a big day trip to Durham. Bit hungover.
Are you studying as well as working?
Yeah, I study Geography at Northumbria University and I work in Bierrex. I also work in a pub when I’m back home called The Final Whistle.
What are you listening to, reading and watching at the moment?
Unfortunately I’m not reading anything at the moment. Being a student, I can’t really afford nice new books. But I’ve been delving back into the Pink Floyd albums I’ve not listened to as much. So I’m on Momentary Lapse of Reason, been getting into that. My new favourite song is On The Turning Away, it’s fantastic. And I keep changing between different things on Netflix, stuff that I can switch off to at the end of the day.
What would constitute a perfect day for you?
Oh I love this question. My perfect day is being in the sun at a music festival, with all my friends. Seeing a few different bands throughout the day, and ending with a few drinks around a camp-fire. Just being happy about where we are.
For what, in your life, do you feel most grateful?
The opportunities that my parents give me. We moved around a few times. We moved to America, when I was seven, for a few years and I went back to study last year. So the fact that I’ve been able to travel as much as I have at only 22. To live in another country and experience life in a different culture.
Complete this sentence, “Ace mental health for me means..”
Being happy with everyone around me also being happy.
What do you do to stay mentally healthy?
I always make sure to take time away from studying to relax. So, going to a pub for a couple of quiet pints with friends. I like to go for walks, I’ll go out into the city or when I’m at home it’s into the country, walk along the river. You’ve gotta find time between being with lots of people you love and also being by yourself.
Who inspires you and why?
David Bowie inspires me. He was such a creative genius. He had no trouble expressing himself and being who he was. He managed to change a whole rock culture. He wasn’t afraid to put himself out there and be someone completely new. He’s a massive icon.